If you have an automatic vehicle and the surgery has been on your left hip you may be able to drive at three weeks after surgery. In all other circumstances you will be requested not to drive for six weeks.
Walking is good for your hip joint and excellent exercise. Non-impact sports are advisable and these include swimming, cycling and golf — if you enjoy golf then you could start with chipping and putting before returning to the full game. High velocity repetitive impact sports are detrimental to the longevity of the hip replacement. It is preferable to use spikeless shoes and to avoid the dangers of slipping or falling in wet weather. You should learn to play with bigger hip turns thus reducing the stress on the hip joint.
You can resume active sex at approximately six weeks but need to be observant about the basic principles of positioning yourself.
Go to physiotherapy
To make an appointment e–mail Sue Misir, secretary to Mr Evert Smith, or telephone:
- 0117 980 4027 (private)
- 0117 980 4027 (NHS)
For an NHS appointment your GP will need to refer you. How?
Evert Smith is an Orthopaedic Surgeon in whom I have absolute faith and confidence.
Bob Gibbons, 2007.