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Hip Physiotherapy

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In this page

Before The Operation

A physiotherapist will see you prior to the operation to assess the functional disability of your affected hip and problems relating to other joints which may influence and affect your postoperative rehabilitation. The physiotherapist will also advise you on the range of exercises and movements to reduce the risk of dislocation in the immediate postoperative phase.

After The Operation

After your surgery the physiotherapist will begin muscle strengthening and stretching exercises with you. The physiotherapist will teach you the safe way of getting in and out of bed to prevent injury or dislocation of the operated hip joint.

Physiotherapy will be tailored to the patients’ specific needs and activity profile.

You may be taught how to use a walker or frame or you may graduate swiftly to elbow crutches and/or walking sticks. You may be instructed how to partial weight bear on the operated leg. The physiotherapist will coach and practise walking and turning with you until you are able to do stair climbing with ease.

Your abnormal preoperative gait pattern will require intensive input from your physiotherapist. The thigh and buttock muscle may benefit from deep massage, treatment with ice and elevation as well as further proprioceptive exercises to finesse your hip function. You may require hydrotherapy as well as land based physiotherapy.

You will be encouraged to exercise on a daily basis.

Leaving Hospital

By the time you are ready to go home you will usually be able to get in and out of bed unassisted, sit in a chair, use the bathroom and the shower. You will be able to go home in a car.

It is best to have some help when you return home. You will not need constant attention, but it will be easier for you if you have some help with shopping and general duties at home.

Outpatient physiotherapy will be arranged to evaluate your progress and address any problems.


To make an appointment e–mail Sue Misir, secretary to Mr Evert Smith, or telephone:

  • 0117 980 4027 (private)
  • 0117 980 4027 (NHS)

For an NHS appointment your GP will need to refer you. How?

Clinic locations and directions

Evert Smith is an Orthopaedic Surgeon in whom I have absolute faith and confidence.

Bob Gibbons, 2007.

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