When further implant surgery is not technically feasible, as may occur with long term sepsis and excessive bone loss, a Girdlestone’s excision arthroplasty may be done. This involves removal of components, allowing for the development of in-growth of fibrous tissue between the pelvis and femur.
In the case of an infected total hip replacement a staged revision may be performed. A modification of a Girdlestone’s procedure is then done, whereby a “cement spacer” is utilised as a false hip joint between the excision arthroplasty operation and the staged revision surgery performed at a later date. There are some cases where a single stage revision can be performed for sepsis of a total hip joint.
To make an appointment e–mail Sue Misir, secretary to Mr Evert Smith, or telephone:
- 0117 980 4027 (private)
- 0117 980 4027 (NHS)
For an NHS appointment your GP will need to refer you. How?
Evert Smith is an Orthopaedic Surgeon in whom I have absolute faith and confidence.
Bob Gibbons, 2007.